
3 species Learn more about 3 species

  • Introduction of bird species

    Introduction of bird species

    There are many species of birds, according to the classification, birds can be divided into three heads, namely, flat chest head, penguin head, chest protruding head. A bird, such as an ostrich, that cannot fly for good walking; a bird, such as an enterprise, that is unable to fly for swimming and diving.

    2020-11-11 Bird species introduction bird there are many according to
  • What kinds of edible fungi are there? What is the price and purchase method?

    What kinds of edible fungi are there? What is the price and purchase method?

    We all know that edible mushrooms are mushrooms, which are often eaten in our lives. In China, there are more than 350 known kinds of edible mushrooms. Few of these fungi are wild, and most of them are artificially planted. If you want to plant them artificially, you need strains. If there are no bacteria,

    2020-11-09 Edible mushroom strain have what type price and purchase method
  • Key techniques for breeding fish species in autumn

    Key techniques for breeding fish species in autumn

    Autumn water temperature is appropriate, is a good season for rapid growth of fish species, do a good job in autumn fish species cultivation is very critical, autumn fish species cultivation technology points are as follows: 1, clear pond after 2-3 months of fish species cultivation pond, water quality aging, natural bait reduced, harmful substances and pathogens increased. Therefore, after autumn, fish species should be transferred to ponds disinfected by pond cleaning for cultivation. Under the condition of relatively insufficient water and fish ponds. All the fingerlings can be transferred out for temporary cultivation, and 75-100 parts of quicklime are used for each mu of the original fingerling pond.

  • Technical points of safe overwintering of fish species to avoid economic loss

    Technical points of safe overwintering of fish species to avoid economic loss

    Technical points of safe overwintering of fish species to avoid economic loss

  • Autumn management of fish species

    Autumn management of fish species

    The water temperature is suitable in autumn, which is the peak season for the growth of fish species. The following work should be done well in the management of fish species in autumn. 1. Clear the pond in time. After 2-3 months, the water quality of the ponds tended to be aging, the natural bait decreased, and the harmful substances such as hydrogen sulfide and pathogens increased. After entering autumn, the fish species should be transferred to the pond which has been cleaned and sterilized for cultivation to purify the culture environment. 2. Scientific bait. Due to the suitable climate in autumn, large food intake and rapid growth of fish species, the supply of bait must be ensured. Mainly herbivorous fish species, with silver carp

  • A preliminary study on the famous carved wood of boxwood and its substitute

    A preliminary study on the famous carved wood of boxwood and its substitute

    The main results are as follows: 1 the basic situation of buxusspp belongs to buxaceae and bunus, which is called boxwood in English. For evergreen shrubs or small trees, there are more than 70 species in the world, distributed in Europe, Asia, tropical Africa and Central America. There are about 17 species in China and 8 species in Yunnan. According to the record of Chinese Timber Chronicles, there are small tree timber forests distributed or cultivated in Shennongjia Forest region of Hubei, Wuyishan Mountain of Jiangxi Province and Sichuan Province, and there are Populus tomentosa with DBH about 30cm in Laoshan Forest Farm of Shandong Province.

  • A new species of the genus Rhizoma (Flower) from Yunlong, China

    A new species of the genus Rhizoma (Flower) from Yunlong, China

    Yunlong Chonglou, Chimonanthus (Polygonaceae), a new species of Chimonaceae (Polygonaceae), originally belonging to the broad sense Liliaceae: Aspartaceae: Polygonaceae, which has also been classified as Trilliaceae, there are about 27 species of perennial plants with roots.

  • Preparation of secondary strain of volvariella volvacea

    Preparation of secondary strain of volvariella volvacea

    The secondary species is a strain made by transferring the primary species into the culture material with secondary species. Second-class species can be directly used for production. In general, secondary species are transferred to the same culture material for expanded culture to become productive species. Secondary species are generally packed in 750 ml mushroom bottles or plastic bags. (1) Formula 1 of culture material: 90% of rice straw, 9% of wheat bran (rice bran) and 1% of gypsum powder. The preparation method is to select golden, mildew-free dried straw, cut it into 3 centimeters long, soak in water for about 12 hours, and make it.

  • What are the species of bamboo rats?

    What are the species of bamboo rats?

    What are the species of bamboo rats?

  • How to configure and maintain ornamental grass species and turfgrass species

    How to configure and maintain ornamental grass species and turfgrass species

    How to configure and maintain ornamental grass species and turfgrass species

  • What are the common species of pine? What's the price? What are the characteristics of each?

    What are the common species of pine? What's the price? What are the characteristics of each?

    Pine is a well-known tree species, but at present, there are nearly 80 known loose species in the world, not only many species, but also widely distributed, not necessarily known to you, and some have never been heard of. Most pine trees are tall trees, and

    2020-11-27 Pine trees common varieties what price how each has its own
  • Causes of overwintering death of fish species and its management measures

    Causes of overwintering death of fish species and its management measures

    Causes of overwintering death of fish species and its management measures

  • Fish species are released in autumn to ensure survival in autumn.

    Fish species are released in autumn to ensure survival in autumn.

    Strengthening the cultivation of fish species in autumn is the key to improve the survival rate of overwintering fish species. Improve the environment before the release of fish species, release half of the original pond water, and then add new water. 150 kg fermented manure was applied per mu pond, once every 9 days, for a total of 3-5 times. Appropriate topdressing of chemical fertilizers based on nitrogen and phosphorus, generally 1.5-2.5 kg of urea and 3-5 kg of superphosphate per mu of pond, about once every 7 days. Add fresh water after each fertilization to keep the transparency of the pool water at 20-30 cm. Use quicklime 10 per mu of water every half a month

  • What kinds of yellow cicadas are there?

    What kinds of yellow cicadas are there?

    Yellow cicada belongs to the genus Apocynaceae. There are 15 species of this genus, which are distributed in tropical America. The common species and cultivated species introduced into China are yellow cicada, soft branch yellow cicada, double soft branch yellow cicada, small leaf soft branch yellow cicada, white cicada, purple cicada. Yellow cicada is evergreen shrub, leaves 3-5 verticillate, ovate-lanceolate, entire.

  • How to transport fish species safely in spring

    How to transport fish species safely in spring

    The beginning of spring is the season for the release of fish fry and fry, and the remote transportation of fry and fry has become an important link in shallow water aquaculture production. Transportation should be safe and efficient, and the survival rate of transportation should be ensured and improved. The fish species should be selected with thick flesh on the back and tail, strong body, bright color, intact scales and fins, no scars and parasites on the body surface, active swimming in the cage, strong reverse water, concentrated in one place of the box, head down, tail up to grab water. Plastic bags for transporting seedlings

  • The difference between grass and tree

    The difference between grass and tree

    Grass and trees are two big kinds of plants, and they are also green plants that we can often see. So, do you know the difference between grass and trees? What is the difference between grass and tree? Grass is a herbaceous plant, and the degree of Lignification of the stem is low and more.

    2020-11-08 Grass and tree difference grass yes plant two
  • Fingerling cultivation of cultured carp

    Fingerling cultivation of cultured carp

    Summer flower fish species must be selected without disease or injury, strong physique, lively action and neat specifications. Fish breeding generally adopts the mixed culture of 2 or 3 species of fish, but mainly one species. In ponds with carp as the main fish culture, 6000 to 8000 summer flowers are released every 667 square meters.

    2020-11-08 Culture carp fish species breeding summer flowers must select
  • How many corn seeds do you need per mu of land? What are the high-yielding varieties? How much fertilizer do you need?

    How many corn seeds do you need per mu of land? What are the high-yielding varieties? How much fertilizer do you need?

    Maize seed is a propagule with the ability to grow into an adult plant, which is formed by pollination and fertilization of ovules. Do you know how many corn seeds are needed for one acre of land? Are there any high-yielding varieties? How much fertilizer do you need? From Uncle Li, a corn grower in Xinyang, Henan Province

    2020-11-09 how much corn and seeds are needed for one mu of land?
  • Fish species released in autumn and cultivated in autumn to keep them alive

    Fish species released in autumn and cultivated in autumn to keep them alive

    Strengthening the cultivation of fish species in autumn is the key to improve the survival rate of overwintering fish species. Improve the environment before the release of fish species, release half of the original pond water, and then add new water. 150 kg fermented manure was applied per mu pond, once every 9 days, for a total of 3-5 times. Appropriate topdressing of chemical fertilizers based on nitrogen and phosphorus, generally 1.5-2.5 kg of urea and 3-5 kg of superphosphate per mu of pond, about once every 7 days. Add fresh water after each fertilization to keep the transparency of the pool water at 20-30 cm. Use 10-15 kg of quicklime per mu of water every half a month

  • Practical seed production techniques and Identification of Edible Fungi Diseases

    Practical seed production techniques and Identification of Edible Fungi Diseases

    Practical seed production techniques of Edible Fungi
